Our Mission:

Live your normal.

We want to help children who have lost a parent “live their normal” through activities, sports, education, or extracurricular involvement.


What We Care About

Families experience immeasurable changes after the loss of a parent. Many children sacrifice the little normal they have left because of family necessities, such as managing mortgage payments, buying and cooking food, health care, and more.

Our goal is to help those families balance life and live their normal.

Hear Our Story


How We Use Donations

Proceeds are dedicated to ensuring children in our local communities are given opportunities that might not be possible because they lost a parent early in life.


2 M+

Americans Have lost a parent Before AGe 16

That’s 3.5% of the population who has lost a parent before the age of 16.



believe they dealt with the loss alone

These children are in need of support and guidance to cope with loss.



Say investing in something else helped

Participation in other activities, as well as maintaining a routine, help these children move forward and “live their normal.”


Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.

Vicki Harrison, Author